Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cross-Cultural Art and Confucianism

This is from an interesting exhibition by a Chinese artist discussed on a post on Frog in A Well.  The artist was trained in Germany, and her pieces are comparative, with the German conception of something in blue on the left hand side, the Chinese conception on the right.  A few of the pieces struck me as illustrating important points to keep in mind about Confucianism--like the above, which represents the two cultures' notions of social connectivity.
Check out the post, over at Frog in A Well.  My favorites are the ones on "sense of the self" and "authority/the boss".  


  • At 9:18 PM, Blogger Chris Panza said…

    Very cool. I laughed at the queue one -- I remember having that experience at a train station in Beijing. I was thinking "where the hell is the line and what's this massive crowd doing pushed up against the door?" Then I figured out the crowd was the line.


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